Yesterday a federal court in Texas issued a nationwide injunction blocking the Department of Labor’s “overtime rule” that was scheduled to go into effect on December 1.
Yesterday a federal court in Texas issued a nationwide injunction blocking the Department of Labor’s “overtime rule” that was scheduled to go into effect on December 1.
February 2016 | Blog | Kirsten Daniels
In a surprising decision, on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit validated the 2011 Rule by the United States Department of Labor (DOL) prohibiting tip pooling programs that include “back of the house” employees and other workers who are not customarily and regularly tipped (e.g., cooks, dishwashers).
February 2016 | Blog | Kirsten Daniels
The state House of Representatives may soon send noncompete agreements down the way of the dodo bird . . . toward extinction.
The federal Department of Labor (“DOL”), the agency charged with enforcing the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), recently published an Administrative Interpretation clarifying the test businesses must apply to determine whether workers are properly classified as independent contractors or if they are, in fact, employees.
A recent verdict from a federal jury in Baltimore, Maryland demonstrates the importance of having a well-drafted, widely disseminated, and consistently enforced policy that prohibits discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
On September 12, 2011, the Seattle City Council unanimously approved Ordinance No. 123698, which created a new chapter in the Seattle Municipal Code (“SMC”).
July 2012 | Blog | Dwight Wheaton
Sections 3402 and 3102 of the Internal Revenue Code require employers to withhold or deduct federal income and social security taxes from the wages of employees and …
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