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CH& Govern

How Do Stock Options Work?

August 2015 | Blog |

For most high growth emerging technology startups, equity is cheaper than cash when it comes to compensating employees.

“Par Value” – What it Means and How it Can Affect Your Startup

June 2015 | Blog |

Par value. It’s a concept that many entrepreneurs see in their corporate documents, but few truly understand. What is par value? What does it mean when you see it in your documents?

Avoid Shareholder Lawsuits by Understanding Director Fiduciary Duties

May 2015 | Blog |

I had a professor in law school who could spend days discussing all the nuances of fiduciary duties for directors in privately held corporations. We literally spent 8 weeks of a 10-week quarter primarily talking about all the ins and outs of this dry (yet important) subject.

The Role of the Board of Directors

March 2015 | Blog |

If your startup is a corporation incorporated in Delaware or Washington, you must have a board of directors.