CH& Diversity and Inclusion Committee Invites Path with Art to Present at its Quarterly Non-Profit Lunch & Learn
Executive Director Holly Jacobson and Development Director Sheeka Arbuthnot at Path with Art presented at Cairncross & Hempelmann’s (CH&) quarterly non-profit Lunch & Learn event hosted by the CH& Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Ms. Jacobson shared the art and stories from Path with Art’s students recovering from homelessness, addiction, and trauma. Students can begin to rebuild their self-respect and self-confidence and are able to connect more deeply to the world around them through the programs Path with Art provides. We truly discovered how much art can really impact people’s lives through the creative process.
Each quarter, our firm supports one non-profit organization with an emphasis on addressing homelessness and providing assistance to other Pioneer Square charities, providing access to justice for those who cannot afford legal services, and investing in art-based rehabilitation programs in our community.